Napkin Comics

Napkin Comics

Napkin Portaits

I got a request from one of the Roadhouse waitresses to draw her. Then it dawned on me, perhaps I ought to pay a little napkin montage to those that I poke fun at. Leah H.

Leah H.

Leah was the first waitress at the Roadhouse.

While I was drawing napkin comics for my friends, she swiped them off the table and ran them back to the kitchen. Not believing she was literally stealing my art, I decided to inundate her with cartoons.

Cory L.

Cory L.

After our first experience with a small group, we brought a large group with five kids to the Roadhouse. We got assigned to Cory, who spent as much time entertaining the kids as taking five-star care of us.

So, I drew her a bunch of cartoons during the meal.


Forrest Gray

Meanwhile, the kitchen bulletin board was being filled with napking comics.

Forrest, the store manager, instructed the waitstaff to hunt down whomever it was that was leaving napkin comics and the next time they came in, come get him.

As an interesting aside, if you look around the bar at the Texas Roadhouse in Chantilly, you'll see a subset of these cartoons on display.

See the comic by Walt Stoneburner.
Forrest is a central character as the manager in the comic.

Leah M.

Leah M.

We went back to the Roadhouse and asked for Leah. As there was only one Leah working that day, imagine our surprise when this Leah was just as fun as the other!

I drew my first cartoon of the evening, and while we were passing it around, Leah grabbed it, literally out of my hands, and ran off with it. Moments later Forrest comes out and explains the staff has really enjoyed the cartoons and could I make more?

I said I could, but would need some napkins.

Forrest brought out a stack of 500.

[See model photos of Leah Meister taken by Walt Stoneburner.]

Katy D.

Katy D.

When neither of the two Leahs, nor Cory, was available, the manager said there was someone we had to meet, Katy.

Katy's trademark is a bright red ribbon in her hair.



Jessie is another waitress that supplies me with all kinds of material from mishaps.



It had to happen... one day we went to the steakhouse and every single waitress we requested wasn't working that day. We asked for non-smoking, and the hostess placed us with Don.

Don helped provide the main characters in the comic with the added tension that their server wasn't "some awesome chick" and yet was giving them a run for their money.

Mary S.

Mary S.

Mary is a hostess who makes sure we get one of our favorite waitresses.

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